Happiness isn't something that you have to chase.
You simply have to choose it.
Let me teach you how.
5 Minutes to Create a Stronger and More Fulfilling Relationship
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It's so lovely to meet you!
I’m Sophia Godkin, PhD– Psychologist, Happiness & Relationship Coach, author, and educator.
As far back as I can remember, I've been fascinated by the universal pursuit, yet very personal art, of happiness... and for the last 13 years, I've been teaching and coaching the art to others. The reason I started down this road of becoming a happiness expert was because of the natural optimism, fervor for life, and knack for smiling I was born with. The reason I stayed was because I didn’t just want the illusion of happiness; I wanted the real thing.
Over many years, life provided me with the experiences, tools, and teachers I needed to discover and embrace a path to joy that comes from within– a path that I am still walking today and feel incredibly grateful to teach and share with others.
Take My Mini-Course
The Negative Thinking and Feeling CureLearn to quiet negative thoughts and emotions with proven techniques that will lead you to a happier, more peaceful life.
Imagine a life where you're no longer held back by negative thoughts, emotions, relationships, and unhealed wounds.
What if you could overcome these obstacles that keep you from true happiness?
Find out how with my free guides.