You don't need different thoughts and feelings.

You just need better ways to manage the ones you've got.


Take Control of Your Thoughts.

Take Control of Your Feelings.

Take Control of Your Life.

Do you ever find yourself thinking...

"I would be a happier person if only..."


  • Negative thoughts didn't keep getting in the way
  • Other people didn't trigger me so easily
  • My self-doubt didn't hold me back
  • I could silence my negative self-talk
  • Dealing with negative feelings wasn't such a challenge
  • My relationship/s were better
  • I didn't feel stressed, worried, or anxious as much of the time

If so, know that you’re not alone. I’ve been there too.

And, it turns out that no matter what's disrupting your happiness, negative thoughts and feelings are often at the root of it all.

Are you tired of hearing the same old advice on how to curb your negative thoughts and feelings?

  • “Just be more positive”
  • “Stop focusing on the negative"
  • “Recite positive affirmations"

It’s all been said before. But the truth is, these clichés just don’t work.

A decade and a half ago, I was on a mission to be happy. So I tried all of this advice (and more). And guess what? None of it worked. I was struggling to be more positive, faking it pretty well on the outside, and inside the same old negative thoughts and feelings were running amok.

At first I thought it was me and that maybe I was doing it wrong. Until I realized it wasn’t me that was the problem at all… the advice was just flat out wrong.

I realized that overcoming negative thoughts and feelings requires a deeper understanding and a different approach. And now, I want to share that understanding and approach with you.


  • No longer being at the mercy of your negative thoughts and feelings
  • Feeling free, light, and at peace as you navigate your day-to-day life
  • Being able to be present and enjoy life more of the time

The Negative Thinking and Feeling Cure can help you do all this while also setting the foundation for you to be happy. No matter what.

In this course, you will:

  • learn exactly what to do to break free from negative thinking or feeling stuck in your life
  • get effective tools to manage your thoughts, emotions, and situations that trigger them, rather than feeling controlled by them
  • develop skills to transform negative thoughts and feelings into positive outcomes, time and time again


Get everything you need to start overcoming negative thinking and feeling for just $27 with The Negative Thinking and Feeling Cure.


This comprehensive course includes:

  • 5 intensive video lessons (Value: $797)
  • Downloadable Course Workbook and guides (Value: $47)
  • Access to a private community for support throughout the course
  • Lifetime access to the course, including any future updates

Plus, you'll receive these exclusive bonuses!

  • Bonus 1: Feelings as Body Sensations Guide (Value: $27)
  • Bonus 2: Guided Meditation Library (Value: $97)
  • Bonus 3: Feelings as Messengers Cheat Sheet (Value: $27)

That's a total value of $995 for just $27!

Gratitude for the Course


This course has a wonderfully simple recipe to recognize, normalize and productively respond to those negative thoughts & feelings that can pop up at inconvenient times robbing us from the joy and happiness we deserve. Dr Sophiaā€™s method moves us from dwelling in the negative thoughts and feelings, to recognizing that they have a place in our lives, and how to use them as we move forward in our journey for a happier, more peaceful life. What a gift this process can be!

-Diane J., Des Moines, IA, US


My partner bought the course and I was happy for her, but didn't think anything of it for myself because I'm typically an even keeled type of guy. Then something happened that rattled me and I decided to get the course. It was such a help during a difficult time! It helped cement some skills I already had and taught me a great system for navigating my feelings in the future.

- David P., Boston, MA, US


This course was well-paced and had many helpful activities and worksheets that took me throughout the entire process. After taking this course I feel like I am commanding my circumstances instead of reacting to them. I feel empowered and better equipped to align my words and deeds to my thoughts and feelings. I've always wanted to understand and feel more in control of my thoughts and feelings, and now I can honestly say that I do. The skills I learned in this course are so valuable and I am keeping them with me for life!

- Rachel C., San Diego, California, US

Sounds exactly like what
you’ve been looking for?

Here’s what you’ll learn when you join the course


The truth about thoughts

Discover the truth about thoughts, and gain a new understanding of how to respond to the thoughts you have every day.


The truth about feelings

Explore the truth about feelings, and learn how to respond to them in a more effective way.


What to do with those thoughts

Learn the steps to responding to your thoughts in a way that curbs and prevents them from spiraling out of control.


What to do with those feelings

Discover how to respond to your feelings in a productive and effective way that prevents them from escalating and interfering with the actions you take and the choices you make every day.


Putting it all together

Apply an integrated, step-by-step method to deal with your negative thoughts and feelings in your own life.

The bottom line is that we live in a world where bad things happen, where stress and worry can sometimes overpower joy, and where relationships with people can be difficult and challenging. If there’s one thing we can do when the outer world is unpredictable, it’s to manage our thoughts and feelings, and make our inner world a more pleasant one to be in.

Don't you agree?

Frequently Asked Questions

Why I created this course

I used to struggle with my own thoughts, feelings, relationships, and happiness, and that's what inspired me to become a Health Psychologist and Happiness & Relationship Coach. Now, I spend most of my time coaching people one-on-one and in groups to do what I've learned over the last 15 years— build unwavering confidence, create satisfying relationships, and become happy from the inside out.


Not many people know this, but I’m also an education enthusiast! Over the last 10 years, I’ve worked as Head of Education at local and international wellness companies and as Adjunct Professor at universities across the West Coast. My virtual courses and programs are a unique opportunity to merge two of my biggest passions— personal development and education— to do what I love most: help you become the best version of you.

I’ll see you on the inside!
