Are you tired of not being as happy as you know you can be in your life?

Do you wonder why you keep repeating the same patterns and seeing similar results in your relationships day after day, despite your best efforts?

Have you felt frustrated, disappointed, or guilty for not living up to your ideals of being a loving and caring partner, parent, or person?

You are not alone.

I have been where you are. I have learned how to remove the obstacles in the way of true happiness in myself, in my relationships, and in my life.

I have tested the steps repeatedly in my own life for over a decade. My clients have too. Now the Happy from the Inside Out® program can help you do it too.

Happy from the Inside Out Method®

Become the Partner, Parent, and Person You Want and Mean to Be

A coaching program that integrates the most effective coaching and therapeutic methods with heart, mind, and soul into a holistic, integrated framework tailored to help you become the partner or parent you truly want to be.


Space is limited. Scroll down to reserve your spot today!

Praise for Happy from the Inside Out


I found clarity AND new ways to examine my emotional pain and turmoil!

When I started the program, I hoped to get some clarity and learn new ways to examine my emotional pain and turmoil. I found both! I have developed a greater compassion for myself and my personal struggles and I feel more confident in my ability to manage difficult emotions and navigate my experiences going forward. I feel ever so grateful to have been introduced to Dr Sophia and actually get to experience her professionalism personally during our sessions. Sophia exudes warmth, compassion and unconditional love… She is a special woman!

- Randie Morillo, California


I am different now - more patient and accepting of myself!

I was feeling lonely and experiencing resentment about losing my job and career due to unjust behavior by others. I wanted to be able to let go of the resentment and move forward. I am different now… I do not get as frustrated with my different parts since I understand what they are trying to do better. I also am more patient with myself and a bit more accepting of myself. Dr Sophia… has become a friend to me. I feel so accepted by her, and I believe she has lots of insight into how the human psyche works. She exhibited immense compassion toward me and authentically cared. That, in and of itself, was a treasure. But when her experience and knowledge and understanding about my internal workings was added to the mix, it became all the more meaningful and helpful to me.

- Rich Meyers, Iowa


I am much better able to navigate difficult moments!

When I started the Happy from the Inside Out program, I wanted to learn how to heal and gain a deeper understanding of the various parts of me. Today, I can say that I've become more aware of my parts and learned to ask what parts are present during difficult moments. I was also surprised by how much I enjoyed and learned from the group. Hearing others share their experiences helped me to be more kind to myself and to connect with others. I benefited so much from the regular group meetings and one-on-one sessions with Dr Sophia. I appreciate how open, accepting, and compassionate Dr Sophia is. She coaches in a way that is gentle and compassionate, always respecting what the client needs at the moment. At the same time, she has a wealth of knowledge to help pinpoint what the client needs most to move forward.

- Noon M., Thailand


Here are the four phases of learning and transformation we’ll go through together:


What's Up?

Gain insight into your inner world— why you think, feel, and act the way you do— as it relates to your role as a partner and/or parent

Get a clear picture of how your past experiences shape your current circumstances

Understand how your inner world influences your ability to nurture love and happiness in your relationships and your life


Wake Up

Get to know an often untapped source of wisdom, healing, and genuine happiness inside of you

Learn to shift your focus to this inner wisdom instead of with your fleeting thoughts and feelings

Discover methods to continuously draw upon this wellspring for more joy and healing in your role as a partner or parent


Show Up

Learn the three key ingredients to showing up for yourself, loving yourself, and healing yourself in the process

Apply these elements to enhance your role as a loving partner and/or parent over time

Practice showing up to encourage new thoughts and choices, and nurture positive transformation within yourself and your relationships


Grow Up

Implement a proven system to heal your past wounds, allowing you to show up fully in your relationships

Apply the system to the most important areas of your life— your role as a partner and/or parent— so that your thoughts, feelings, and past positively fuel your present and future

This program and the journey you'll go on is not for those who only want to feel and talk about joy and happiness. It's for those who are willing to go through the stuff that's been holding you apart from this happiness and joy.
It's a journey for anyone who has the courage and curiosity to look at what lies beneath the surface of your life so that you can unveil the kind person, partner, and parent you were always meant to be.


The Happy from the Inside Out™ method gave me everything that I once thought good looks and a successful career would give me... amazing relationships with the people I love most.


This program will help you get it too.

The best part of the experience?


You will receive support with your personal journey every step of the way!


Here’s What We’ll Do Together For 4 Months Inside of the Program:

  • Training in the Happy from the Inside Out Method

    Broken into 4 phases of learning, you will have a comprehensive course library of training that guides you through the process of understanding and bringing healing and happiness to your inner world. Lessons are guided and help you to apply what you're learning right away to your own life.

  • (2) 55 Minute Private Coaching Sessions with Dr Sophia

    Join Dr Sophia for (3) 1:1 coaching sessions, one during each month of the program. We will address the life challenges that are most active in your life today and show you what’s possible on the other side of healing the things that have been holding you back.

  • (4) Monthly Group Coaching / Connection Sessions - Live on Zoom

    You will join Dr Sophia live every four weeks for interactive learning, sharing, and growing with other like-minded, like-hearted people who are also on the journey of personal healing and growth. Sessions help you connect more deeply with yourself, connect with others, and personalize the course content to your own life.

  • Comprehensive Workbook

    This program is a very personal process and the workbook is designed to help you bring all of the learning material into your own life experiences. Use the workbook now and revisit it regularly as you continue your growth and healing journey.

  • Dedicated Facebook Group for questions, camaraderie, and support

    You’ll be invited into Dr Sophia’s private coaching community, a safe place to ask questions and meet other people on the journey to healing and growth. Have a question about the course content? Ask it. Need support? Ask for it. Have a nugget of wisdom to share from your own journey? Share it. Consider this group your “home away from home” while you’re in the program.

  • 12-month Access to the Digital Program

    As a member of Happy from the Inside Out™ you will have 12 months of access to the entire Happy from the Inside Out Course Library.


Plus these special bonuses when you sign up today!

The program and coaching calls will set you on the right track and these bonuses will give you an extra dose of support with navigating life’s moments when the program is done.
    • BONUS 1 --> Support for When You’re Emotionally Triggered Pocket Guide

In life, it's not a matter of if— but when— you get emotionally triggered. This pocket guide takes you through a step-by-step process for effectively managing those moments, using everything you learned in Phases 1—4 of the program as a foundation for operating as your best self.

    • BONUS 2 --> Settling a Busy Mind Pocket Guide

Overthink, overworry, and overstress much? When your mind feels crowded with thoughts, this pocket guide helps you find relief, using everything you learned in Phases 1—4 of the program as a foundation for not getting lost “up there”.

    • BONUS 3 --> Getting in Touch With the Wisdom and Healing Power Within You Pocket Guide

Arguably one of the most important skills in life is being able to make decisions that support you in creating the kind of life you really want. Connecting to the wisdom and healing power within you guarantees that you'll live life from your heart and not from your wounds, and this pocket guide shows you how to do it.

Here’s what people say about coaching

with Dr. Sophia


I learned about Sophia and her work by a happy coincidence. I was looking for a gratitude journal for myself and my sister as a New Year’s gift. I decided to buy her book The 5-Minute Gratitude Journal, and that’s when I found out about her coaching. I was already looking for a coach at the time so it was perfect timing. As I started working with Sophia, I realized I had found a kind, resourceful, and exceptional listener and coach that, from personal experience, I can say is so rare. I always enjoyed and looked forward to my weekly sessions with Sophia. With her extensive knowledge of psychology and human behavior, I always felt heard, understood, and never judged no matter what was going in my life or the goals and dreams that I shared. She was supportive, attentive, and compassionate, and it was clear that she was always had my best interest at heart. I feel incredibly grateful to have found Sophia. If you are looking for a coach who is caring, empathetic, and will support you unconditionally, you are in the right place!

-Noon M.,
Bangkok, Thailand


When I came to Sophia, I was having a lot of cycles of emotion that I couldn’t understand, that felt uncontrollable, and that were impacting my happiness and ability to be present in my relationship. Sophia helped me identify feelings, give space to them, learn my negative thought loops, learn what my needs and boundaries were, and communicate them with more ease and acceptance. With each passing session, I went from feeling a lot of repressed anger, pain, and confusion to being able to stop my painful cycling thought loops. I look forward to some deeper work and tuneups with Sophia, and have referred her to numerous friends!

-Jana C.,
California, U.S.


Sophia doesn’t only coach me, she cares and she helps. It is with her support that I feel like I can really believe in myself and the progress I’ve made and continue to make. She is genuine, knowledgeable, helpful, kind and really an all around good person who you know has your best interest at heart. With Sophia, you really feel you have someone in your corner all the time helping you achieve your goals and become the best version of you possible. I am truly grateful for Sophia’s help in my journey!!

-Diana Y.,
New York, U.S.


Sophia has the unique ability to be present and available to hear, see, and acknowledge someone while simultaneously tapping into an inner wisdom full of supportive insights and useful guidance. And best of all, she knows how to decipher when [you need] a loving, quiet witness or a sage, informative guide. Brilliant woman.

-Jennifer C.,
Texas, U.S.


Dr. Sophia is the only person I can laugh with right after crying.

-Ron A.,
Idaho, U.S.
Give me ACCESS TO This Powerful Program

You might be wondering whether this is the thing for you… whether this will be the right fit. And before I knew and practiced the philosophy that I share with you in this program, I also wondered whether there was, in fact, a path to true happiness that would work for me.

It’s a great idea to consider fit before you join the program. And while Happy from the Inside Out works for a lot of people, it does not work for everyone.

Here are some things to know...

Happy from the Inside Out is the right fit for you if 1 or more of these describes you…

  • You struggle with having confidence, self-worth, and/or loving yourself
  • You sometimes feel overpowered by your thoughts and/or emotions
  • You sometimes feel stuck in the past—like no matter what you do, your past problems and old habits don’t go anywhere
  • You feel tempted to make choices that are familiar but that don’t really support you in being who you want to be
  • You notice that your actions sometimes keep you from having pleasurable, satisfying relationships
  • You really crave clarity in how you think, feel, and make decisions
  • You look okay or even happy on the outside but you know something is missing on the inside
  • You have a pretty good logical understanding of what it takes to live your ideal life but you struggle to live it on a consistent basis
  • You’ve started to make some improvements towards greater and truer happiness in your relationships and life but you want to go deeper
  • You’re tired of chasing happiness and just want to learn to be happy instead
  • You want to move on from your past so that you can stop watching the years go by without the happiness you know you deserve… but you’re not sure how to get there
  • You truly want to be happy from within— i.e., have a sense of inner contentment when things are going your way and also when they’re not
  • You’ve recognized that quick fixes don’t work when it comes to the ultimate goal of true happiness and are curious and eager to experience the "real thing"
  • You are ready to dive deep and do the inner work required to be truly happy
  • You want the tools to be able to develop greater and greater happiness for many years to come and you’re looking forward to being supported by someone who has done what you want to do  


Happy from the Inside Out is also for you if:

  • You are a happiness and/or life coach and you want to improve the results you see with your clients and want to learn new, effective ways to do your work (This program is also a prerequisite for “Happy from the Inside Out” courses for coaches that will be available with Dr Sophia in the future)

BUT this program is probably NOT the right fit for you if…

  • You’re committed to being exactly the same person you’ve always been
  • You’re kind of, sort of, but not really ready for change
  • You have resigned to thinking that a happy life and happy relationships are just not for you​
  • You’re not willing to think about and envision your inner world differently than you’ve previously been taught
  • You aren’t willing to spend 30-60 minutes a week on developing the best and truest version of you
  • What you really want is a quick fix to your happiness and relationship dilemmas– yes, some of the tools I provide will be in-the-moment solutions, but what this program really teaches is a new long-term foundation for how you experience yourself, your world, and the people in it



1. What you’re about to learn is the exact approach I take to my own genuine happiness as a psychologist and happiness & healing coach day in and day out.

2. I will share with you a lot of what is important to know, but most importantly I will teach you how to do it.

3. I am not providing a quick fix. This is a system that will benefit you more and more over time, starting from the moment you begin learning and using it.

4. The system you’re being presented with is not simple theory. It has been tried and true.

5. You will have the support and camaraderie of a heart-centered community where you can ask questions, and share your triumphs and your struggles along the way. If you are a student of Happy from the Inside Out, I also make it a priority to make myself available for one-on-one coaching along the way.

I'm ready to join


I’m here to support you.

If you don’t know me yet, I’m Dr. Sophia. As a Health Psychologist and Happiness & Healing Coach, my specialty is helping people all over the world to heal and become genuinely happy without waiting for the people or circumstances of their life to change.

Before I became a psychologist and coach, I had very little genuine joy, confidence, and peace of mind. And to be honest, my relationships weren’t very lasting or fulfilling.

So I had to learn.

Over the years (and a few degrees, certifications, and a ton of life experience), I’ve transformed the way I see myself and the way I relate to my world and the people in it.

It didn’t happen right away. For many years, I read countless books, took lots of workshops, and went on retreats trying everything I could to become truly happy and to leave my past where I swore it belonged… in the past.

Many of the workshops and books were useful. But none were practical, heart-centered, or complete. I found myself spending years trying to piece together what worked, what didn’t work, and what to do next.

Now, after many years of coaching clients, writing books and articles on true happiness and healing, living life, and plenty of trial and error, I have created the program I wish I had when I first set out to become my best, happiest, and most authentic self.

I believe that everyone, no matter their past and no matter their present circumstances, can heal and build a life of greater and truer happiness, peace of mind, and connection. So often, we think we’ve run out of time to shape ourselves into who we want to be, and that just isn’t true… we just haven’t yet been guided in the right direction.

It’s my mission to help guide people in the direction of healing, having happy and healthy relationships, loving themselves, and loving life.




This Program Could Easily Be Worth Over $7,000

I’ve worked with many men and women and know that devoting time, energy, and finances to weekly one-on-one therapeutic coaching isn’t possible for everyone. And I also know that having to piece together bits of information that you find from blog posts, articles, YouTube videos, and books just doesn’t cut it.

To make real, measurable progress we all really need expert help on applying therapeutic and coaching tools and modalities to our own lives, as we live them.

That’s why I created this program. Because what’s more important than the one thing- our inner happiness- that impacts all other relationships and experiences in our lives? I venture to say nothing.

In the Happy from the Inside Out program, you’ve got the tools, modalities, guidance, and even one-on-one support from me so that you can apply it to your own life immediately. 

And it’s available at a fraction of the price.

Hour for hour, the Happy from the Inside Out program is valued at over $7,000.

But because I want everyone who is ready for it to have access to it, this program is priced at only $2,997. And if you join the waitlist and get early access to register, you'll get an even bigger discount. Crazy, I know.

All I ask is that you’re ready to learn, grow, and be willing to go inward to do what’s necessary to become truly happy from the inside out.

Enrollment for Happy from the Inside Out™ is happening now!

Start Your Journey To Become Happy from the Inside Out

  • 4 x Training Videos ($4,000 Value)
    • Phase 1: What's up: Self-insight
    • Phase 2: Wake up: Self-Discovery
    • Phase 3: Show up: Self-Healing
    • Phase 4: Grow up: Self-Transformation
  • 2 x One-on-one Coaching Sessions with Dr Sophia ($1,000 Value)
  • 4 x Group Coaching Sessions with Dr Sophia ($1,000 Value)
  • Downloadable workbook for all program phases ($1,000 Value)
  • Access to a private community hosted by Dr Sophia on Facebook ($1,000 Value)
  • 12 month access to the Happy from the Inside Out program
  • BONUSES WHEN YOU ENROLL: In-the-moment Pocket Guides
    • Support for When You’re Emotionally Triggered Pocket Guide
    • Settling a Busy Mind Pocket Guide
    • Getting in Touch With the Wisdom and Healing Power Within You Pocket Guide
Space is limited so reserve your spot today!

Total Value: $7,000






Total Value: $7,000

Join Today for a ONE-TIME PAYMENT OF





Frequently Asked Questions

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