Your Thoughts Are Not Your Enemy: How Listening to Them Can Transform Your Life

inner child healing self-learning thinking Apr 01, 2023
woman thinking meditating with hands to chin


Many of us have been taught to believe that our thoughts are the enemy. We try to control them, suppress them, and ignore them. We believe that if we can just get rid of negative thoughts, then we'll be happy. But this approach is misguided. Your thoughts are not an enemy to be conquered, but rather inner children that need to be heard and cared for. In this post, we'll explore why it's important to listen to your thoughts and how doing so can transform your life.


Your Thoughts Are Inner Children


Imagine for a moment that you have a child who is upset and crying. Would you try to beat or ignore that child? No, of course not. You would try to comfort them, listen to them, and help them feel better. Your thoughts are no different. They are simply trying to communicate something to you. And just like a crying child, they need to be heard and comforted.


Your thoughts… are simply trying to communicate something to you. And just like a crying child, they need to be heard and comforted.


Negative Thoughts Are Opportunities for Growth


But what about negative thoughts, you may ask? Don't they need to be defeated? The answer is no. Negative thoughts are simply an indication that there is something in your life that needs attention. They are not the enemy, but rather an opportunity for growth and self-discovery. Say for example that you have a thought that you’re not good enough as a parent. Instead of trying to suppress or ignore that thought, you could use your awareness of the thought as an opportunity to explore what’s really going on.


Negative thoughts are simply an indication that there is something in your life that needs attention. They are not the enemy, but rather an opportunity for growth and self-discovery.


Exploring Your Thoughts Can Lead to Positive Change


By exploring these thoughts and the beliefs behind them, you can begin to make real, positive change in how you show up in your life. For example, exploring the thought that you are not good enough as a parent, you might realize that it stems from your past experiences and old, limiting beliefs. Maybe you’ve had a parent who was critical and never expressed approval for the things you did, which led you to believe that you can never be good enough as a parent yourself. By exploring these past experiences and old beliefs, you can begin to reframe them. And the more you do this, the more able you’ll be to focus on your own accomplishments as a parent and actively expressing love and approval to your child which will give you a much more confident and loving relationship with your child.



Similarly, by understanding the beliefs behind your negative thoughts, you can begin to make positive changes in your life. For instance, if you notice that the belief behind your thought is that you need to be the perfect parent in order to be loved by your child, taking some time to understand that belief can lead to a greater understanding of unconditional love and the importance of self-compassion and understanding. You can make real, positive change by setting realistic expectations for yourself and prioritizing self-care, all of which will naturally foster a supportive and loving relationship with your child.


Next Steps: Helping Your Inner Children


Now that you understand that your thoughts are not your enemy, but rather inner children that need to be heard, you may be wondering what the next steps are. Here are a few tips to help you embrace your thoughts and use them to grow:

1. Practice mindfulness: Take a few moments each day to sit quietly and observe your thoughts without judgment. Notice any recurring negative thoughts and take note of them. This awareness will help you understand what your inner children are trying to communicate to you.

2. Explore your thoughts: When you notice a negative thought, take some time to explore it. Ask yourself what might be leading you to think that thought and what beliefs might be behind it. This will help you understand the root cause of the thought and give you the opportunity to really understand your mind.

If you're struggling to embrace your thoughts and use them to grow, my mini-course "The Negative Thinking and Feeling Cure" can help. In the course, I share practical strategies through video lessons, guided meditations, and exercises to help you gain a deeper understanding of your thoughts and emotions and create positive change in your life. You can learn more about the course at

3. Learn to relate to your thoughts differently: If your thoughts are not your enemy but rather inner children in need of your attention, understanding, and love—then that’s what you need to learn to do—give them that attention, understanding, and love. And not surprisingly, this is the crux of being a good partner (to your boyfriend, girlfriend, partner, spouse) and a good parent to your kids too. As you learn to relate to your inner children with kindness and understanding, the more you’ll approach the people you love with that same kindness and understanding too. That’s what I teach you in my new, free webinar “The Secret to Consistently Being the Loving Partner or Parent You Want to Be”. Check it out here.


I will leave you with this— as you go on with your week, remember that your thoughts are not the enemy. They are a natural part of your inner dialogue and can provide valuable insights into your emotional world if you just let them. So the next time a negative thought arises, remember to approach it with curiosity and compassion, take the time to listen to it, and see it as an opportunity for growth rather than an enemy to be defeated.


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